如果你是一名开发人员, 构建器, 架构师, 工程师, or homeowner and are planning a new construction project or renovation involving BWSC's water, 下水道, 或者雨水排放系统, you will need to familiarize yourself with the site plan approval process. 基本上,这是一个两步的过程. The first step is the submission of the Site Plan with supporting documents, drawings, permits, etc. 一旦BWSC批准了场地平面图, the second step involves the establishment of a new account (if applicable) in conjunction with the completion of the General Service Application (GSA). In addition to information on the 地盘规划要求 and GSA filing, this section will also provide a menu of other supporting documents, guidelines and forms as well as other helpful information that you may need to successfully complete the site plan and permitting processes.
BWSC also maintains an archive of historical and contemporary maps, 连接卡, 记录计划, 收入, 地役权, 和其他详细的信息,以帮助您成功的计划, 研究并完成你的网站计划.
当计划连接维修时, 账户激活, 或拆除, you will need to complete and submit a General Service Application (GSA) with all supporting documents to BWSC before any repair work can proceed.
If you have questions regarding this process, please contact BWSC’s Engineering 客户服务 at 617-989-7600.
To review any BWSC regulations, please visit the 规定 page.
The requirements for site plans and as-builts have been prepared to assist property owners, 开发人员, 建筑商, 架构师, 工程师, 和其他人一起获得BWSC的必要批准. 有关更多信息,请参阅一般要求页面.
All storm drain work must meet or exceed BWSC's standard requirements. BWSC reserves the right to determine whether drainage issues will be addressed during building renovations. Site plan review projects in the City of 波士顿 are required to infiltrate a volume of runoff equal to one inch of rainfall times the total impervious area on site must be infiltrated prior to discharge to a storm drain or a combined 下水道 system for projects less than 100,000平方英尺的建筑面积. 所有在100或以上的项目,000平方英尺的建筑面积, 该项目必须使用等于1的径流量.25英寸的降雨量乘以现场不透水的总面积. Applicant is required to electronically obtain, fill out, and upload an Excel-based 绿色基础设施工作表 在BWSC的指导下.
拆迁 of a building in the City of 波士顿 involves a number of forms, 许可证和证明文件由一些机构监督.
The property owner must initiate a General Services Application (GSA):
- 给客户服务部写封信,要求拆除
- 提交一封来自BWSC持牌和保税承包商的信函
- 请求BWSC关闭所有家用和消防管道
- Provide the fire pipe Shut-off Permit Number from the 波士顿 Fire Department located at 115 Southampton Street, 波士顿, MA
- Return BWSC’s water meter and Meter Transmission Unit after water shut off in public way
- Pay any outstanding balances along with any unbilled accrued charges and reclassify the account
- To complete the GSA hire a bonded and licensed drain layer company for the disconnection (cutting and capping) of the water, 下水道, and storm drain connections at BWSC’s main lines and the removal of all appurtenances
在完成所有任务后,GSA将关闭. This closed out GSA is the BWSC’s sign off document, to be delivered to ISD.
场地平面图经总工程师批准并签字后, 或者他的指定人, a General Service Application (GSA) must be completed by the owner of the property, 或者是业主的代理人, 在批准的工作开始之前. A prerequisite for filing a GSA with BWSC for new construction is the Rough Construction Sign-Off document from the City of 波士顿's Inspectional Services Department. A deposit based on the size of the water service or fire pipe connection and 下水道 and drain connections must accompany the GSA submission. 在收到适当的押金后, BWSC will establish a water and 下水道 account and assign an account number to the property. An inspection fee will be charged for each water and 下水道 connection. 检查安排需要提前24小时通知. 如果检查日期安排在周末, 节假日或正常工作时间之外, 将收取额外的检验费. 也, if the contractor fails to notify the BWSC inspectors of a cancellation in advance, 将收取额外的检验费 to the contractor when the job is subsequently rescheduled.
All construction work performed on BWSC systems or construction work performed on systems whose ownership may be transferred to the BWSC must be inspected by a BWSC Construction Inspector at the developer's expense. The contractor will be charged the current BWSC rate per diem based upon estimated work days through the completion of the project. The Manager of Engineering 客户服务 will make this determination. These payments shall be made through Engineering 客户服务 Department. 工作完成后, a refund or an additional bill will be issued based upon actual working days. 承包商必须通知, 以书面形式, BWSC建设部主任, 施工开始前七天. 这将使BWSC有足够的时间安排实地视察.
Site plans are valid for a period of one year from the date of approval.
After a period of one year from the date of approval, site plans must be reactivated. Both a narrative letter and a new site plan are required for reactivation.
竣工图纸 & 支持文档
BWSC requires As-Built drawings to be submitted to Engineering 客户服务 within 30 days of project completion. As-built plans must be submitted by Professional Engineer certified in Massachusetts.
除了标准服务连接, 需要现场渗透系统的场地平面图, 颗粒分离器或排水溢流连接系统, 以及BWSC的水管, 卫生下水道或雨水渠, 必须在Auto Cad Release 14或更高版本的磁盘中详细说明. 工作完成后, 这些图纸将提交给哈里森大道980号的BWSC, 波士顿, MA. 这些图纸必须包括:
- 位置 of any abandoned items, such as pipes, water gates and 人孔
- 所有新设备的位置, 比如门, 人孔, 异径接头, 我家的t恤, 弯头和其他配件
- Tie-in measurements from all new items to property lines and corners
- 所有下水管道和排水管道的单独平面图和剖面图. Invert elevation of all 下水道 and drain lines at the 人孔 and aligned with plan view.
- 所有闸门、弯道和连接处的水管深度
- 已安装的所有管道、阀门和消火栓的尺寸和类型
- 所有人孔的边缘高度
- 竣工计算和信息包括尺寸, 建议不透水地区, 建议不透水地区, 要求渗透能力, 以及所安装的所有GI/LID的经纬度
对于安装了BMP/GI的项目,提交一个更新的 绿色基础设施工作表 providing information such as BMP/GI type(s), as-built calculations, and location.